All of this can be avoided by simply putting in place a Spanish will for your Spanish assets
A Spanish Will saves executors and beneficiaries time and money and avoids unnecessary worry for your loved ones after you die.
There are three good reasons why if you have assets in Spain, you should have a Spanish Will, even if you have an up to date Will in the UK. The three reasons are:
- Save time – probate can be applied for directly to Madrid and takes a matter of weeks rather than months compared to the UK.
- Save money – a UK Will requires an apostille stamp from a notary before being couriered to Spain where an official translation will have to be made before the process can begin.
- Avoid anguish – a Spanish Will makes life easier for everyone you care about; it is the kind thing to do.
A Spanish Will covers only your assets in Spain. The largest asset will likely be a property, but also includes items like vehicles, boats, investments and cash at the bank.
A Spanish Will runs in parallel with your UK one. Note – you will need to make one minor change. The first section of any Will states: ‘I hereby revoke all former Wills.’ You will need to add to this clause ‘except my Spanish Will made on dd/mm/yyyy.’
We advise all our clients with assets in Spain to make a Spanish Will. We will arrange a personal consultation with you and any family members, to understand your needs and reflect your wishes. We will also run through any taxation queries or consequences that may arise.
Making a Will is a personal and necessary task. A Will should also be reviewed every 10 years. At Sun Lawyers we make the process of making a Will convenient, friendly and professional. Contact Sun Lawyers: +34 965 321 193 or email: admin@sun-lawyers.com